A day in my life

3 am Little G wakes me up to go out.

6 am My alarm goes off.

6:10 am my alarm goes off.

6:20 am my alarm goes off.

6:30 am my alarm goes off.

7-8 am I try and survive the morning cat feed, preparing my lunch, getting breakfast. And make a half hearted attempt to be ready and at work for 8 am

8:10 am arrive at work

8:10 am-4:30 pm spend the day in my own pit of hell having to work with some of the dumbest people I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.

4:30-8:30 pm This could go either way. Depending on the kind of day Zara has had will dictate everything, from the mood of the cats to affecting every ounce of my being. Watch tv, eat dinner, feed cats.

8:30-10 pm This will be stressful regardless. Getting cats sorted, fed, and happy whilst we bicker about everything.

10-12pm Bed. Peace. Quiet. The time I can do what I want, watch what I want. The world has gone to sleep. The world is silent. I should be going to sleep. Getting rest to repeat the whole process all over again.

But I feel my time is wasted being asleep.

If I sleep it will be tomorrow even quicker.